Saturday, March 9, 2013

Feeling Like a Loser?

Okay, since I have had no comments so far I'm going to pretend I am alone, not hard, and write this as if it were a diary. Have you ever felt like you've gone your whole life and haven't accomplished anything? I was having one of those days today, so I dragged my sorry butt up and took my dog for a walk. It was a gorgeous day and as I walked I started thinking about how to deal with these negative thoughts. I decided to summarize my life to see if I was really as bad off as I thought. Here you will learn more about me than you might want to know and yes, I will share my age. Ugh, just remember, in my head I'm twenty. So summary: I am 57, I have a wonderful husband (other people say so, not just me), we raised four beautiful girls; we have five grandchildren that we love and are proud of, I spent 22 years influencing the children under my care to be the best, most responsible, knowledgeable children I could; our children are involved with church, pastoring or mentoring; I have published a book; I am healthy; I have traveled the world,...okay I could go on and on. So, basically, I had/have a wonderful life. Then I felt better. The end.
So, bottom line, do you have a wonderful book you can't seem to get published? Do you have a published book that is just sitting there? Do you have dirty laundry that needs doing? All things that many of us deal with daily. So, have a bad day if you must, but then, hating to use a cliche' but, count your blessings.

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